Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Just thought we would post some pictures and SAY HELLO !~! We are doing well in Texas , Wiemar has started to grow on us , and we are feeling more comfortable day by day . I love working with the horses and admire there strong will to be a race horse already to watch a baby run through the pasture is breath taking experience cause you already see the talent they have . I am blessed to be around VERY well breed animals , From Finding Nemos little sister to Tellers Cartels lil brother , From the great mares Shahayla to Jump Jive N Wail . I never thought in a million years id be working with baby's out of First Down Dash and Corna Cartel . I have to get some pictures of the baby's they will make you smile . My dad said I would fall in love with the cute lil buggers and then they would bite me when I least expect it, WELL i have been bit now at least a dozen times and the lil colts are just coming into themselves I'm sure I will start being bit daily ... I can honestly say this will be a life changing experience. I miss my family and friends like CRAZY ... And I miss the NORMAL day to day thing's from Coalville, this is all the un known and EVERYDAY is different . Big Jim came to see us yesterday, I'm so happy he made it ! I hope you all make it down here , the weather is PERFECT right now and LOW HUMIDITY . Hope you like the photos more to come . Miss you all . Chablee

JIMMY : Hello everyone!! We are alive and well in big ole TEXAS. Everything here is so much different than back home its takes a little getting used to, the people are very nice though much more polite than in UTAH. So far so good on the job front its a 7 day a week constant deal. I miss everyone from home, my dad was here yesterday for a couple hours we wish he could have stayed longer but it was awesome that he was here, we really enjoyed it.... Hope all is well for everyone talk to ya later!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures your house is so pretty. I am glad you are having fun with the babies, what a dream job! When are you going to get back to barrelracing??

~Diston's~ said...

I am so excited you guys are liking it there, it sounds amazing and I wanna see some of those amazing bred colts!
I can't wait for you guys to come home for xmas since I never got to see you guys before you left..:( Can't wait to get down there and visit too! but hey 09 is just around the corner and we will be coming to visit! you probably wont be anble to get us to leave that awesome weather!

Hardman said...

Ya finaly!! It looks awsome out there! I am glad that you guys are liking it there even though we miss you here!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Guy,
Thought we would send you a note, took awhile to figure it out....we just applied for the AARP Card, so you know....we are not all that tech savvy.

Can't begin to explain how happy we are for the both of you in your new life!! Make the best of it, celebrate the mistakes, and learn from the successes!! We are both so proud of you and wish you all the best!!

Andy, Lacy, Jarett & Kanin Schumann said...

Chablee, that is awesome! I am so happy that you guys were able to move and do that - it totally fits you. You seem so happy! You deserve it. Keep the pictures coming, I love to see what life is like outside of summit county!!! Have fun.

Steve, Bridgit, and Kids said...

We're glad that you are liking Texas. We miss having you guys next door. Sorry we missed telling you good-bye, we felt really bad. Good luck with everything.