Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Heres two picts the baby horse is the lil guy we had the other night !~ And this one of jimmy is for JUDD !~! :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Well tonight we delivered a new little BOY! So far all has went well other than hes not the brightest about suckiling so we will be up every two hours helping him out (hopefully he will just figure it out) so while I try to keep myself up I thought I would post some HAPPY NEWS ! This lil guy is a First Down Energy which Bielau Oaks still owns and the stallion TRES SIES . PICTURES SOON ......

Friday, January 23, 2009


Well we FINALLY had are second baby tonight, UNFORTUNITLY the colt was born with a birth defect in which the colt was born with some of his intestines on the outside of the abdomen due to an abnormal opening in the abdominal muscle. What a sad deal , the colt had to be euthanized and was a GEORGEOUS black, huge baby . Its 11:41 and we will be up some time with another mare possibly going to have hers also tonight . Wish us Luck for the next one !

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well were back from the HERITAGE !~! The sale went well and was a very fun experience . I ended up buying a prospect at the sale and he's ACTUALLY not a sorrel. Mark it down as my first different colored horse in a long time. We haven't named him yet SO ANY SUGGESTIONS please send my way. We also picked up another addition to the horse family today , even though my doberman THOR is bigger than him . Hes a cute mini pony that I wanted, I hope to be able to use him to TEASE the mares. We also haven't named him so HELP with some names...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well Jimmy and I will be headed to Oklahoma City tommrow for the Heritage Sale ! I always love looking at the hundreds of horses ! No new baby on the place yet and we have one due in two days, also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to GUS he's 6 years old . If anybody needs a prospect give us a call !~

Saturday, January 10, 2009


BEANO ON 244 she dont have a name yet .

FRANKO on 250 ~

WELL ....Jimmy didnt get to race , what a bummer he was excited since he don't know when or if he could go back this year. The track was to crappy and things just didn't work out, I'm glade he got to see his grandparents though that was so important!~ While Jimmy was gone the boys and I had a fun two days , today we tested to see if the Recip mares were BROKE , ALL BEANO's idea but I was having a blast to say the least ! We just got 20 new Recip mares in this week , a Recip mare is like a Sergeant mother and Carry's the baby for are good mares , well when these mares come here we KNOW NOTHING about them no papers no nothing, most of them are rank mean horses , but seems to me we got ugly nice ones . Well Beano is all about riding so he just thought it would be SO fun to see if any of them were nice. Here's a few pictures!~


Just a lil UPDATE , since my last blog was a long semi-stressed blog. Jimmy is in Utah he flew home to drive the chariots and its first half FINALS . Sounds like the track isnt the best so hopefully they have the races and everyone is OKAY . Im still in Texas, we didnt dare leave the place alone with some of these mares ready to POP and with the other babys hurt . NO BABYS YET but very soon , SO hopefully Ill have new picts . NUMERO UNO is getting stronger and MEANER by the moment , he bites and trys to kick already. What a TERD, hes in a stall where he can be turned out In the day and MAN is he quick already . Well theres my small update , Ill post how the races go if they happen !~ Sould be a real tuff race with Weldon Racing Team and Stokes.

Monday, January 5, 2009


WHAT A DAY , Have you ever had a day where every time YOU turn around you pray things will be okay . TODAY WAS THAT DAY . It started out that Jimmy and I have been sick . Jimmy has had some form of the flu and I have a cold and were ZONKED out on NyQuil. We were woke up by BEANO yelling to come QUICK to the barn. I IMMEDIATELY thought "OH NO A BABY" due to the fact we have two mares who are due any day now, and I just have this FEAR that a baby is gonna be born and were gonna miss a TINY thing and they not make it . SO I jump out of bed and RUN to the truck . THANK GOODNESS it wasn't a baby , HOWEVER it was a two yearlings who have SLICED there chest open and need a vet ASAP . Sarah and I took the baby's to find that they will be OKAY , and many stitches and staples later we headed home. As soon as we were back to Farm the boys come running again. ANOTHER baby had a huge swollen shoulder and needed to be looked at. I just barley took the halter off and my phone rings, ITS ANOTHER filly in a different pasture with a swollen shoulder who needs veterinary care . I swear today was JUST ONE OF THOSE DAYS . Everything turned out better than I would have imagined , and all the baby's will be okay after some time, however we still had to FIGURE out what could have caused this. We searched the pastures ALL OVER , and with a some investigated (CSI STYLE) we have come to the conclusion Larry's Lab HARLEY has been the culprit. Harley got out yesterday and was out till 11:30 when Beto went to Turn off lights from the barn he noticed she had dug out of her stall and has developed a problem trying to play with the horses . ALTHOUGH my day was lifted when Jimmy and I become new partners to a stallion named Sixes Cartel. He is a corona cartel out of Dashing Folley , Jimmy and I are thrilled . It was a light at are end of are tunnel today . Are day is not done and we got two mares who are gonna pop!~ Wish us luck to a STRESS FREE evening and tomorrow to be a normal day .

Friday, January 2, 2009


HERES are lil baby ... NUMERO UNO ... HES SUCH A DOLL ... We let him out today in a bigger stall with a turn out , he was SO QUICK , ITS truly amazing how fast these lil guys grow.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy Holidays to all my family and friends. Christmas flew as usual , it was so great . The WII was a HUGE hit at the Vernon's all Christmas week , and the Padgett Christmas Eve party was really fun . I was so not excited to head home and leave everyone again , But I had my friends Clint and Meka flying back with us . Which made it a lot easier. They were here until Dec. 30 and we all had a blast. Now New Years flew right past us and were starting 2009 . Early this am we had are first baby , yep he wasn't due til the tenth but we had are own Lil surprise this morning . Hes a Teller Cartel / Yeah I Fly (Strawfly Special mare). The season has already started, I was so nervous , but now with this first baby being easy and healthy eased my mind that not all the deliveries will be stressful . Wish us luck the next 3 mths are gonna be crazy , I'm sure JUST like the Holidays they will FLY BY.