Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well were back from the HERITAGE !~! The sale went well and was a very fun experience . I ended up buying a prospect at the sale and he's ACTUALLY not a sorrel. Mark it down as my first different colored horse in a long time. We haven't named him yet SO ANY SUGGESTIONS please send my way. We also picked up another addition to the horse family today , even though my doberman THOR is bigger than him . Hes a cute mini pony that I wanted, I hope to be able to use him to TEASE the mares. We also haven't named him so HELP with some names...


~Diston's~ said...

Well I have to say he is a pretty GRAY! I love the pony!! Thanks Britlyn's when we come to visit right!!

Chelsey and Brandt said...

The pony is so cute. Hallie would love it. It is perfect for kids. I think you should name the big horse, "Thunder." lol

Mom said...

I thought "Guppy" sounded good!@!#!#@!
I love him -

crazycranefamily said...

Gus' suggestions:
pony: Mini-me
Grey: Silver
Kenseys suggestions:
pony: butterscotch
Grey: Silver Mist
My suggestions:
I am just loving that you bought a grey horse. Hip Hip Hooray.

Nate & Kim said...

My vote is still with Guppy! But I don't know about the little one. . . I will think about it! He is very cute though!