Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well all I can say is SOME THINGS CHANGE , Jimmy and I moved to Texas 7 mths ago hoping things would work out for the two of us. However we have recently decided to take a job offer in Vernal Utah and move back !~ This place is wonderful and we will miss the wonderful people we have meet , worked with and become great friends with . We will miss the early morning baby's, the wonderful country and the great weather , we have GROWN a lot from this and LEARNED so much from the experience . SO here I go PACKING again , my parents had tickets already to fly in this last weekend , GRANTED three weeks ago they had NO IDEA it was to help PACK ... LOL . SO Sunday we packed me up !~! Granted I have a lot still but THANK GOODNESS they were here to help !~ Thanks MOM and DAD !~!Big Jim also got to come visit this weekend Just for a night but I was happy to see he got to see the place before we moved. We owe him a HUGE thank you , he brought his horses down to Elgine Vet clinic and left his TRUCK and TRAILER for us to Pack up and drive home , THANKS SO MUCH !~! SO then today we bought a pickup, are job in Vernal is supplying us with a Truck but we decided you just shouldn't own horses without a truck and trailer of your own , so we bought an older used truck to leave on the trailer ! ALL this is happening quickly , yet I am happy we will be closer to friends and family . Things happen for a reason and we are truly blessed for having options!~!


Mama! said...

Wow, lots of change. I'm glad your moving closer to home too. Good luck with the move. Be safe!

Jeremy and Krista said...

I had no idea you was moving back, and to Vernal! I'm so excited!! I can't wait, we'll have to get together. Let me know if I can do anything to help when you get here. I'm just 30 minutes away and I'd be glad to come over and help you unpack so just let me know. Can't wait to see you!

Richins Family said...

Chablee, I know that you are already in Vernal, but my brother Mitch (Eric) lives in Vernal and works for a company called BHI. If you guys need anything give him a buzz. Best of luck!