Monday, January 5, 2009


WHAT A DAY , Have you ever had a day where every time YOU turn around you pray things will be okay . TODAY WAS THAT DAY . It started out that Jimmy and I have been sick . Jimmy has had some form of the flu and I have a cold and were ZONKED out on NyQuil. We were woke up by BEANO yelling to come QUICK to the barn. I IMMEDIATELY thought "OH NO A BABY" due to the fact we have two mares who are due any day now, and I just have this FEAR that a baby is gonna be born and were gonna miss a TINY thing and they not make it . SO I jump out of bed and RUN to the truck . THANK GOODNESS it wasn't a baby , HOWEVER it was a two yearlings who have SLICED there chest open and need a vet ASAP . Sarah and I took the baby's to find that they will be OKAY , and many stitches and staples later we headed home. As soon as we were back to Farm the boys come running again. ANOTHER baby had a huge swollen shoulder and needed to be looked at. I just barley took the halter off and my phone rings, ITS ANOTHER filly in a different pasture with a swollen shoulder who needs veterinary care . I swear today was JUST ONE OF THOSE DAYS . Everything turned out better than I would have imagined , and all the baby's will be okay after some time, however we still had to FIGURE out what could have caused this. We searched the pastures ALL OVER , and with a some investigated (CSI STYLE) we have come to the conclusion Larry's Lab HARLEY has been the culprit. Harley got out yesterday and was out till 11:30 when Beto went to Turn off lights from the barn he noticed she had dug out of her stall and has developed a problem trying to play with the horses . ALTHOUGH my day was lifted when Jimmy and I become new partners to a stallion named Sixes Cartel. He is a corona cartel out of Dashing Folley , Jimmy and I are thrilled . It was a light at are end of are tunnel today . Are day is not done and we got two mares who are gonna pop!~ Wish us luck to a STRESS FREE evening and tomorrow to be a normal day .


The Nilsons said...

Sounds like a day I have been through before. If its not one of our horses, its a dog. Oh the things we go through to have animals!! :-) Hope you have safe deliveries!! Good Luck...

~Diston's~ said...

What a day for you guess.. I feel for you I can not even imagine the stress you guys were under! Glad it is looking up for you though!! I wanna see pictures of the corona stud!! I want a corona cartel so bad!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you found out what happened to the babies. I am glad they will be ok. Was Jimmy ready to kill the dog?? You will have to post pics of the new Stallion he should make some nice barrel babies too lol.

Chelsey and Brandt said...

Holy Cow!! That is a crazy day. I hope things get better for you and you both start feeling better. Good Luck with the rest of the babies.

crazycranefamily said...

My mom said it was a bad day, I didn't know it was THAT bad of a day. Glad to know CSI comes in handy once in awhile.
Love you guys!

Mom said...

You guys are AWESOME - I don't know how you do it!
Glad to know the CSI thing works - See ya' soon!