Friday, January 23, 2009


Well we FINALLY had are second baby tonight, UNFORTUNITLY the colt was born with a birth defect in which the colt was born with some of his intestines on the outside of the abdomen due to an abnormal opening in the abdominal muscle. What a sad deal , the colt had to be euthanized and was a GEORGEOUS black, huge baby . Its 11:41 and we will be up some time with another mare possibly going to have hers also tonight . Wish us Luck for the next one !


Mom said...

I am so very sorry you lost the baby. Is the mare OK? This is the hard part, I'm sure, waiting for a year, and having something like this go wrong.
Hope you guys are OK

~Diston's~ said...

Sorry to hear about the baby. Hope the next one is safe and healthy.